Product Information

Special Kurdistan Aribal honey

Product name: Aribal special Kurdistan honey

Product weight: 200 grams

Package type : Glass

number in the box : 12 numbers

93,500 تومان


The overall characteristics of honey include the following:

Honey is quickly absorbed into the blood

Honey prevents infection in the stomach and intestines

It relieves constipation

Honey as a pain reliever has a very good effect for those who fall asleep late

It has a good effect on relieving fatigue and muscle tension and is beneficial for controlling muscle contraction

If honey is given to a pregnant woman, her child will have a strong nervous system

Increases the amount of calcium in the blood

It is beneficial for those who have a weak digestive system and need to consume sugary substances, especially for those who suffer from flatulence because it does not cause bloating.

Because honey enters the metabolism quickly, it can immediately provide energy and repair

Honey does not cause trouble for the kidneys

It will create a significant force in elderly people

It is also effective in strengthening the heart

It is useful for treating asthma (even opening a container of honey and inhaling the vapors emitted from it relieves asthma attacks)

Honey is a good helper in lung diseases

It is even effective in bleeding and hemophilia

It is useful for people with diarrhea due to its germicidal properties and for kidney patients

Honey smoothens the voice, especially if it is eaten with glycerin and lemon juice

In the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, it is known to be an effective factor, even many doctors to prevent the development

For the mentioned wounds, eating it is considered effective.

Honey in 1936 by German Dr. Hermann as a medicine for treating rheumatism

Deficiency of muscle growth and nervous disorders, etc. were introduced

Honey also contains many vitamins, including vitamins A, D, E, K, C, etc.

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