Product Information

special Aribal honey (glass)

Product name: Aribal specialhoney (glass)

Product weight: 125 grams

Package type : Glass

number in the box : 24 numbers


76,000 تومان


Features of natural honey:

Glass honey is a product with a very high percentage of purity and there are no additives in it

Due to its light weight, you can also use it while traveling. The products in Aribal are all natural, and Glass honey is no exception and is completely organic.

Honey is a very nutritious substance and plays an important role in the growth and memory of children, as well as in pregnant women

It works like an anti-allergy if you have seasonal allergies

At the start of allergy season, use honey to prevent it

This substance is not recommended for children under two years of age

Because there may be some botulism toxin in honey

which will cause problems in the digestion and absorption of water in children’s bodies

Honey is a sticky and thick substance whose color depends on the bee

In which region and from what flowers did it feed (so the color of honey is not a criterion for its naturalness or not)

Many consider sugaring of honey to be a criterion for fake honey, which has been scientifically proven

The cause of sugaring of honey is also fully mentioned in thisarticle


Advantages of buying from Aribal website:

  • Fixed 10-15% discounts on all products (this discount is for the general public)
  • By purchasing from the amazing section of the site, you will receive a bonus as a gift from Aribal

(The prize will be sent to you along with the products you purchased)

  • Sometimes products are sent for free

(if this section is active, it will be automatically deducted from your purchase invoice)

  • All products have a standard label, and upon customer’s request, it is also possible to send a honey test sheet
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